
S & A Legal Services

List of our services – This is what will be on the drop box.

  • Health and Safety Policy and Induction
  • Health and Safety Audits
  • Health & Safety Risk Assessments
  • COSHH – The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
  • Workstation Assessments
  • Health & Safety Training Courses
  • Accident Investigation
    • Improvement And Prohibition Notices

Health and Safety Policy and Induction

You could easily spend several hours or more trying to write a Health and Safety policy for your organisation and it probably wouldn’t be compliant. We’ll produce an effective and complete Health and Safety Policy including your statement of intent, and the organisation and arrangements for carrying this out.

Health and Safety Statement of general policy

A statement of your organisations policy and intent, to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

The Organisation

This provides full details of individual employees’ responsibilities within your organisation, from the top down. It states who does what and what their responsibilities are.

The Arrangements

This provides full details how your organisation is going to comply with specific regulations that are applicable to your business operations. Your health and safety policy demonstrates how your organisation manages health and safety. Employees should be introduced to the health and safety policy at their induction when joining the organisation.

Health and Safety Induction

There’s no point in having company policies, procedures and risk reduction strategies unless you impart and record this at a staff induction. This is a legal requirement and an excellent opportunity to deal with all the health and safety issues relating to their position and your organisation.We will produce a bespoke health and safety induction for your staff ensuring you comply with your legal duties as an employer.

Health and Safety Audits

If you have postponed dealing with Health and Safety for some time we will undertake an audit to establish the good, the bad and the ugly elements of your Health and Safety compliance. Most organisations operate in a relatively safe manner but are exposed because they don’t have the basics in place or what they do have has been “borrowed or acquired” over time from various sources and is usually out of date and unsuitable for their needs.

We regularly work with new clients who have deferred resolving Health and Safety for several years, but we’re here to help you and not judge you.

For new clients we’ll undertake a combined Health and Safety audit and workplace inspection. In a clear and concise report we will highlight what’s right and what is wrong and needs resolving. Issues will be prioritised so you know when and what resources are required. We will provide you with the solutions to ensure you operate in compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and regulations relevant to your business.

We’ll review and revise your existing, or produce a new Health and Safety Policy for your organisation. This will include all the supporting documentation necessary to complete this process.


Workplace Inspections

We undertake workplace inspections for contractors on site and for fixed site locations. The subsequent inspection report will give recommendations to eliminate and/or control the hazards present in your workplace.

In a clear and concise report we will highlight significant hazards (often using photographic evidence) and what is required to eliminate or adequately control them.

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Health & Safety Risk Assessments

Risk assessment is the cornerstone of UK Health and Safety. It’s a legal requirement; an absolute duty which you cannot avoid. Risk assessment is a proactive activity that helps organisations avoid harming people and incurring losses in the workplace, whether financial or otherwise.

We will assist or prepare on your behalf the risk assessments needed to ensure compliance. We will advise you on the tasks and work equipment that requires assessing.

We use a pro-forma risk assessment document which is easily understood by your employees, and in the case of contractors, by your clients or the Principle Contractor.

We’ll undertake the assessments on your premises alongside your nominated employees so they can understand the process and enable them to undertake risk assessments in the future.

We’re here to help so we often review clients risk assessments for their peace of mind to ensure they’re compliant and haven’t omitted any obvious significant hazards.

Measuring Risk

In our experience matrix systems for measuring risk are unnecessarily complicated and confusing to both employees and those undertaking risk assessments. We record the level of risk as either Low Medium and High which is more easily understood by everyone. 

We will advise you on the tasks, processes, locations and the work equipment that requires assessing. Our philosophy is manage the risk not the paperwork !!!

COSHH – The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations

S & A Legacy will prepare on your behalf the COSHH assessments needed to ensure compliance. COSHH assessments can typically be undertaken remotely on behalf of our clients removing the need to visit your premises or site.

We’ll undertake the assessments using our pro-forma document which provides unambiguous information that is easily understood and clearly states the precautions and control measures to be implemented and followed by your employees.

Measuring Risk

In our experience, matrix systems for measuring risk are unnecessarily complicated and confusing to both employees and the individuals who have to undertake the assessments. Therefore we record the level of risk as either Low, Medium or High. This is more than suitable for the vast majority of our clients’ employees and is easily understood by all.

Processes and substances hazardous to health can occur in many forms e.g. solids, liquids, vapours, gases, dusts, fibres, fumes, mists, smoke, biological agents with the potential to cause harm if they are inhaled, ingested, absorbed through or come into contact with the skin. Employers have a legal duty to undertake an assessment of preocesses and substances hazardous to health and we can advise you on the processes and substances that require assessing.

Workstation Assessments

Most office based organisations provide working environments which are generally safe places to work and viewed as low risk. The proliferation of PC users has led to increases in the problems associated with their use. Poorly laid out workstations and a lack of assessments, information and training has led to more employees working in the office environment suffering from work related injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Self assessment by employees may be a quick and easy an option but it’s difficult to see how they can comment on for example their own keyboard technique and posture.

We will complete workstation assessments on your behalf, providing advice to employees as we undertake the assessment on the correct set up of their workstation. We usually resolve with any specific problems or issues they may have during the assessment. Assessments are recorded for each user detailing all our findings and any necessary actions required to achieve compliance. In addition we will train your nominated staff on how to undertake future assessments for both existing and new employees. The workstation assessments are easy to complete and they follow the requirements of the regulations and HSE guidance.

Office Health And Safety

We can undertake a full review of office based organisations Health and Safety compliance. This typically includes an inspection of your workplace, provision of a bespoke Health and Safety policy and staff induction, workstations assessments, assessments relevant to the business and practical advice in how to comply with your duties under the Control of Asbestos Regulations and the Electricity at Work Regulations including portable appliance testing.

Health & Safety Training Courses

In addition we deliver industry and sector specific training in a wide range of topics from basic Health and Safety awareness courses through to specialist courses on risk management and CDM 2015. Training is undertaken on in house or open course basis. Please see the links above for full information on a range of courses including those for members of the B&ES (The Building and Engineering Services Association).

Accident Investigation

Sometimes things go wrong and there’s an accident at work. We’re here to assist you and not to judge you.

We will undertake a thorough and impartial investigation on site and produce a report which will –

  • Identify the root causes
  • Identify the necessary actions required to prevent a recurrence

All short, medium and long term practical measures will be identified to enable you to plan and implement them over realistic timescales.

If required, we can assist you further in the defence of civil actions for financial compensation made against you by an injured party.

Improvement And Prohibition Notices

If an Inspector from the Enforcing Authorities such as the HSE or EHO have issued you with either an Improvement Notice or a Prohibition Notice then it’s time to take immediate action to avoid any escalation and possible prosecution.

We’re here to assist you and not to judge you!

We will inform the Enforcing Authorities that you have acquired our services and will liaise and advise the Inspector of actions taken, or planned, to satisfy the requirements of the issued Notice. Our early appointment will also assist in establishing to the Inspector that you are serious about resolving the issues.

Inspectors issue notices to companies and individuals for breaches of health and safety law. The notice may involve one or more instances when the company or individual has failed to comply with health and safety law – a “Breach”. Non compliance with these Notices can result in prosecution with serious financial penanlties so they need to be dealt with accordingly.

Improvement Notice

In simple terms Improvement Notices are issued when an inspector is of the opinion that a person is not complying with Health and Safety legislation. Improvement Notices are used to ensure that statutory standards for health, safety and welfare are complied with and will specify the time period for compliance.

Prohibition Notice

A Prohibition Notice is used to prevent further use of equipment, premises, processes or activities either permanently (due to the nature of the risks) or on a temporary basis, pending suitable safety improvements being made. The Notice will be served by an Inspector where they consider there to be serious risk of injury or harm should the conditions continue.

Competent Health and Safety Person

Employers are required by the Management of Health and Safety Regulations to appoint a Competent Person (or Competent Persons) to assist them regarding Health and Safety matters.

With our Retainer Contract S & A Legacy Ltd will act as your competent person. This enables you to comply with the law and entitles you to use both S & A Legacy Ltd name and that of our consultants on any Pre-Qualification Questionnaires or third party accreditation schemes such as CHAS, Safecontractor, Exor, SMAS etc.

Once the Retainer Contract is in place, we will confirm to enquiries made to us by third parties that we act as your Competent Person.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01216224350

Mobil: 07359138925

Our hours

08:00 AM – 06.00 PM
Monday – Friday

09:30 AM – 16.30 PM

Closed on Sunday

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