Health and Safety Policy and Induction




You could easily spend several hours or more trying to write a Health and Safety policy for your organisation and it probably wouldn’t be compliant. We’ll produce an effective and complete Health and Safety Policy including your statement of intent, and the organisation and arrangements for carrying this out.

Health and Safety Statement of general policy

A statement of your organisations policy and intent, to comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

The Organisation

This provides full details of individual employees’ responsibilities within your organisation, from the top down. It states who does what and what their responsibilities are.

The Arrangements

This provides full details how your organisation is going to comply with specific regulations that are applicable to your business operations. Your health and safety policy demonstrates how your organisation manages health and safety. Employees should be introduced to the health and safety policy at their induction when joining the organisation.

Health and Safety Induction

There’s no point in having company policies, procedures and risk reduction strategies unless you impart and record this at a staff induction. This is a legal requirement and an excellent opportunity to deal with all the health and safety issues relating to their position and your organisation.We will produce a bespoke health and safety induction for your staff ensuring you comply with your legal duties as an employer.

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